Post by Admin on Dec 22, 2013 2:55:06 GMT -5
Welcome to Writemoar!
Please take a minute to study our rules before posting. Every board has it's own rules, but these rules apply to all boards.
1. This is a site for creative writing and the discussion of creative writing. Please keep threads civil and on-topic!
2. Posting illegal content such as plagiarized content, child pornography, torrent links, etc. will result in a permanent ban.
3. Posting NSFW images outside of /xxx/ is not allowed.
4. Spamming, reposting, shitposting, posting copypasta, and advertising are all not allowed.
5. Greentext stories, while allowed, are discouraged.
6. Reporting a user without cause will result in a ban.
7. Pretending to be staff or admin will result in a ban.
8. Using a NSFW image as an avatar is not allowed.
9. Spamming the shoutbox is not allowed.
10. Posting links to your work in another thread, unless asked for by someone in the thread, is not allowed.
11. Fanfiction is only allowed on /g/.
If you see anyone breaking any of these rules, report them to the admin (see Rule 6).